Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spilt Milk

At a busy intersection in New York City, a thirty-gallon can fell from a passing truck, spilling milk all over the intersection. The policeman halted traffic while the driver retrieved the can.

The policeman was about to blow his whistle for the GO signal when a small white cat crept out on the road and started lapping up the milk. The whistle remained un-blown, traffic stood still, and the light changed green three times.

Only after the cat had drunk its fill and returned to the sidewalk did the patrolman give the signal for traffic to proceed.

What is the message?

Be open to the beautiful moments around you while running – the driver who lets you corss the intersection first, the fellow runner who encourages you, the little kid smiling at you from the sidewalk – THESE are also part of your experience over the months

Things to think about:

  1. Do visualization – see yourself receiving funds from all sorts of people you didn’t expect to… see yourself running or walking and finishing each session strong or at least more trained.

  2. Do reverse visualization – how are you going to feel if you DON’T do what you set out to? What will you say to those who donated to your run that you didn’t finish or maybe didn’t get to Venice?

  3. Break your fundraising, like your training schedules will be, into segments so that each segment has its own mini goals. Each time you get a week of running and fundraising efforts in, say to yourself – am I awesome or WHAT?

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